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- Limitations of the Linear: Limit Cycles and Chaos | Unit IV: First-order Systems | Differential Equations | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare
1 What is the form of the solutions that trace out a closed curve?
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What is the form of the solutions that trace out a closed curve?
In a non-linear system
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The solution \(\vb{x}(t)\) will be geometrically realized by a point which goes round and round the curve \(C\) with a certain period \(T\)
\(\vb{x}(t) = (x(t), y(t))\)
will be a pair of periodic functions with period \(T\)
\(x(t + T) = x(t)\), \(y(t + T) = y(t)\) for all \(t\)
2 How are the trajectories nearby a stable limit cycle?
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How are the trajectories nearby a stable limit cycle?
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Nearby curves spiral towards \(C\) on both sides, but never will touch it.
3 How are the trajectories nearby an unstable limit cycle?
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How is are trajectories nearby an unstable limit cycle?
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Nearby curves spiral away from \(C\) on both sides, but never will touch it.
4 How are the trajectories nearby a semi-stable limit cycle?
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How are the trajectories nearby a semi-stable limit cycle?
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The trajectories outside the close curve \(C\) towards to \(C\), but trajectories inside the curve will go away from \(C\) to a critical points. The trajectories never touches each other.
5 How are the trajectories nearby a neutrally stable center?
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How are the trajectories nearby a neutrally stable center?
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6 Can a trajectory touch a limit cycle?
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Can a trajectory touch a limit cycle?
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No, 2 solutions can’t touch each other. It’s the sketch principle based on integrate curves.
7 Is it easy to find limit cycles if they exits?
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Is it easy to find limit cycles if they exits?
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No, little is known about how to do this, or how to show that a system has no limit cycles. There is active research in this subject today (02/2020)
You can use a computer for search them, but you need to focus where are you looking at.
8 What is the name of the theorem to check if there is a stable limit cycle?
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What is the name of the theorem to check if there is a stable limit cycle?
The main tool which historically has been used.
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Poincare-Bedixson Theorem
- Suppose \(R\) is the finite region between 2 simply closed curves
- \(\vb{F}\) is the velocity vector of the system
\(R\) no contains critical points and the velocity vector show like this

It’s difficult to use it.
9 When can we say that there is no closed trajectories inside a region
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When can we say that there is no closed trajectories inside a region
For the system
- \(\dot{x} = f(x,y)\)
- \(\dot{y} = g(x,y)\)
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Using the Bendixson’s Criterion, if \(f_x\) and \(g_y\) are continuous in a region \(R\) which is simply-connected (i.e. without holes) and
\({\displaystyle \pdv{f}{x} + \pdv{g}{y} \neq 0}\) at any point of \(R\)
then the system
\({\displaystyle \begin{matrix} \dot{x} &= f(x,y) \\ \dot{y} &= g(x,y) \end{matrix}}\)
has no closed trajectories inside \(R\)
10 How is the flux across closed trajectory for this system?
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How is the flux across closed trajectory for this system?
- \(\dot{x} = f(x,y)\)
- \(\dot{y} = g(x,y)\)
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The velocity field for this system is composed by \(\dot{x}\) and \(\dot{y}\), \(\vb{F} = \ev{f(x,y), g(x,y)}\)
\({\displaystyle \oint_{C} \vb{F} \cdot \vb{n} \dd{s} = 0 }\)
Because along the closed trajectory (which is solution of the system), \(\vb{n} \dd{s}\) it’s perpendicular to the velocity vector defined by \(\vb{F}\), so the integrand is always \(0\)
11 What is the Bendixson’s Criterion
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What is the Bendixson’s Criterion
- \(\dot{x} = f(x,y)\)
- \(\dot{y} = g(x,y)\)
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As \(\vb{F} = \ev{f(x,y), g(x,y)}\) is the velocity field continuously differentiable, and \(R\) is a simply-connected region.
If \({\displaystyle \div{\vb{F}} = \pdv{f}{x} + \pdv{g}{y} \neq 0}\) at any point of \(R\), then the system has no closed trajectories inside \(R\)
12 What does it happen if the region is simply-connected and there isn’t any critical point?
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What does it happen if the region is simply-connected and there isn’t any critical point?
Are there closed trajectories in this region \(R\)?
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No, this is the Critical-point Criterion
Instead, if there is a critical point in this region, this criterion say that there is a limit cycle. But using the Poincare-Bendixson theorem could not be a critical point inside of its region. The difference is that these latter regions always contain a hole
13 For what values of a and d, have closed trajectories?
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For what values of a and d, have closed trajectories?
- \(\dot{x} = ax + by\)
- \(\dot{y} = cx + dy\)
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By Bendixson’s criterion, \(a + d \neq 0 \implies\) no closed trajectories
If \(a + d = 0\), Bendixson criterion says nothing.
We go back to our analysis of the linear system. The characteristic equation of the system is
\({\displaystyle \lambda^2 - (a + d)\lambda + (ad - cd) = 0}\)
Assume \(a + d = 0\). Then the characteristic roots have opposite sign if \(ad - bc \lt 0\) and the system is a saddle; the roots are pure imaginary if \(ad - bc \gt 0\) and the system is a center, which has closed trajectories. Thus
The system has closed trajectories \(\Leftrightarrow a + d = 0, ad - bc \gt 0\)