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Poles, Amplitude Response, Connection to ERF | Unit III: Fourier Series and Laplace Transform | Differential Equations | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare

1 When can we say that a rational function is in reduced form?

1.1 Front

When can we say that a rational function is in reduced form?

1.2 Back

If the numerator \(q(s)\) and the denominator \(p(s)\) have no roots in common, then \(q(s)/p(s)\) is in reduced form

2 What is a pole for function?

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What is a pole for function?

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For a rational function in reduced form the poles are the values of \(s\) where the denominator is equal to zero

The points where the rational function is not defined

We allow the poles to be complex numbers

3 What are the poles for this function?

3.1 Front

What are the poles for this function?

\({\displaystyle \frac{1}{s^2 + 4}}\)

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\(s = \pm 2i\)

4 What are the poles for this function?

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What are the poles for this function?

\({\displaystyle s^2 + 1}\)

4.2 Back

Has no poles, it not a rational function

5 What are the poles for this function?

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What are the poles for this function?

\({\displaystyle \frac{1}{(s^2 + 8s + 7)(s^2 + 4)}}\)

5.2 Back

Has poles at \(-1, -7, \pm 2i\)

6 What are the poles for this function?

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What are the poles for this function?

\({\displaystyle \frac{s - 2}{(s^2 - 4)}}\)

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Put in reduced form \({\displaystyle \frac{1}{s + 2}}\), so has only one pole at \(s = -2\)

7 What the poles for a ODE’s with system function of form \(1/p(s)\)?

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What the poles for a ODE’s with system function of form $1/p(s)$?

7.2 Back

The poles are just the roots of \(p(s)\). These are the familiar characteristic roots.

8 Why do you draw the function \(F(s)\) with absolute values?

8.1 Front

Why do you draw the function $F(s)$ with absolute values?

8.2 Back

Because it’s a simplification of the original graph, and we can see the poles of the transfer function of the form \(1/p(s)\) easily.

9 What are the graph to see the poles for this function?

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What are the graph to see the poles for this function?

\({\displaystyle F(s) = \frac{1}{s^2 - 4}}\)

Only for \(s\) real

9.2 Back

There are 2 poles at \(s = \pm 2\)

10 What is the exponential growth rate of a function \(f(t)\)?

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What is the exponential growth rate of a function $f(t)$?

10.2 Back

The exponential growth rate of a function \(f(t)\) is the smallest value \(a\) such that

\({\displaystyle \lim_{t \to \infty} \frac{f(t)}{e^{bt}} = 0 \qq{for all} b \gt a}\)

This says \(f(t)\) grows slower than any exponential with growth rate larger than \(a\)

11 What that means that the exponential growth rate of \(f(t)\) is positive?

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What that means that the exponential growth rate of $f(t)$ is positive?

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It means that the function \(f(t)\) grows rapidly to infinity as \(t \to \infty\)

12 What does mean that the exponential growth rate of \(f(t)\) is negative?

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What does mean that the exponential growth rate of $f(t)$ is negative?

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A negative growth rate means that the function \(f(t)\) is decaying exponentially to zero as \(t \to \infty\)

13 What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

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What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?


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14 What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

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What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?


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15 What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

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What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

\(f(t) = 1\)

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16 What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

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What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

\(f(t) = \cos(t)\)

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\({\displaystyle \lim_{t \to \infty} \frac{\cos(t)}{e^{bt}} = 0}\) for all positive \(b\)

17 What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

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What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

\(f(t) = t\)

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Has exponential growth rate \(0\)

This may be surprising because \(f(t)\) grows to infinity. But it grows linearly, which is slower than any positive exponential growth rate

18 What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

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What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?


18.2 Back

Does not have an exponential growth rate since it grows faster than any exponential.

19 What is the relation between exponential growth rate and poles of \(f(t)\)?

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What is the relation between exponential growth rate and poles of $f(t)$?

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That’s a theorem

The exponential growth rate of the function \(f(t)\) is the largest real part of all poles of its Laplace transform \(\mathcal{L}(f(t))(s) = F(s)\)

20 What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

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What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

\({\displaystyle f(t) = 3e^{2t} + 5 e^t +7 e^{-8t}}\)

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Using the Laplace transform \({\displaystyle F(s) = \frac{3}{s - 2} + \frac{5}{s - 1} + \frac{7}{s + 8}}\), which has poles at \(s = 2, 1, -8\).

The largest real part \(s\) is \(2\)

Thus, the exponential growth rate of \(f(t)\) is \(2\)

Also, it is clear that the \(3e^{2t}\) term determines the growth rate since it is the dominant term as \(t \to \infty\)

21 What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

21.1 Front

What is it the exponential growth rate of this function?

\({\displaystyle f(t) = e^{-t} \cos(2t) + 3e^{-2t}}\)

21.2 Back

The Laplace transform \({\displaystyle F(s) = \frac{s}{(s + 1)^2 + 4} + \frac{3}{s + 2}}\)

This has poles \(s = -1 \pm 2i, -2\)

The largest part among these is \(-1\), so the exponential growth rate is \(-1\)

22 What are the poles for this function?

22.1 Front

What are the poles for this function?

\({\displaystyle g(t) = u(t - a)f(t - a)}\), with \(a > 0\)

22.2 Back

It’s Laplace transform is \({\displaystyle G(s) = e^{-as}F(s)}\). Since \(e^{-as}\) does not have any poles, \(G(s)\) and \(F(s)\) has exactly the same poles. That is, the poles can’t detect this type of shift in time

23 What is a pole diagram?

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What is a pole diagram?

For function \(f(t)\)

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The pole diagram of a function \(F(s)\) is simply the complex s-plane with an \(X\) marking the location of each pole of \(F(s)\)

24 What is the pole diagram for this function?

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What is the pole diagram for this function?

\({\displaystyle F = \frac{1}{s^2 + 4}}\)

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25 Determine the exponential growth rate of the inverse Laplace transform

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Determine the exponential growth rate of the inverse Laplace transform

From the diagram

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The largest real part of a pole is \(-2\). The exponential growth rate is \(-2\)

26 What happens when \(t \to \infty\) for \(f(t)\) with exponential growth rate equals to \(0\)?

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What happens when $t \to \infty$ for $f(t)$ with exponential growth rate equals to $0$?

Poles of \(F(s)\) is \(0\)

26.2 Back

We can’t tell how \(f(t)\) behaves.

For example, if \(F(s) = \frac{1}{s}\) then \(f(t) = 1\), which stays bounded

if \(F(s) = \frac{1}{s^2}\), then \(f(t) = t\) which goes go to infinity, but more slowly than any positive exponential

27 Determine how will be \(f(t)\) as \(t \to \infty\) from its pole diagram?

27.1 Front

Determine how will be $f(t)$ as $t \to \infty$ from its pole diagram?

27.2 Back

Exponential growth rate is \(3\), so \(f(t) \to \infty\)

28 What is the pole diagram for a LTI system?

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What is the pole diagram for a LTI system?

28.2 Back

Is the pole diagram of its transfer function

29 What is the pole diagram for this system?

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What is the pole diagram for this system?

\({\displaystyle \ddot{x} + 4 \dot{x} + 6x = \dot{y}}\), consider \(y(t)\) to be the input

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Assuming rest IC’s, Laplace transforming this equation gives us

\({\displaystyle (s^2 + 4s + 6)X = sY}\)

This implies that \({\displaystyle X(s) = \frac{s}{s^2 + 4s + 6} Y(s)}\) where its transfer function is \({\displaystyle W(s) = \frac{s}{s^2 + 4s + 6}}\)

This has poles at \(s = -2 \pm \sqrt{2}i\)

30 When can we say that a system is stable?

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When can we say that a system is stable?

Given its transfer function

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The system is stable if all its poles have negative real part

Equivalently, the system is stable if all its poles lie strictly in the left half of the complex plane \(\operatorname{Re}(s) \lt 0\)

31 Is this system stable?

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Is this system stable?

which pole diagram of an LTI is

31.2 Back

No, it isn’t stable because one of its pole has positive real part

32 Which of these LTI system are stable?

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Which of these LTI system are stable?

Pole diagrams

32.2 Back

Only (e) has all its poles in the left half-plane, so all it’s poles has negative real part

33 At which point could we say that the amplitude of the LTI will be largest?

33.1 Front

At which point could we say that the amplitude of the LTI will be largest?

From its pole diagram

33.2 Back

We are looking form \(\abs{F(s)}\) that we know that goes to infinfite at the poles of the transfer function.

The can say that the point \(A\) will generate the largest amplitude because it close to a pole. The point \(B\) and \(C\) are both far from poles so it’ll produce a smaller amplitude than \(A\)

34 What is the relationship between amplitude response and system function?

34.1 Front

What is the relationship between amplitude response and system function?

Consider the system \(p(D) x = f(t)\)

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The transfer function is \({\displaystyle W(s) = \frac{1}{p(s)}}\)

When \(f(t) = B \cos(\omega t)\), the ERP is

\({\displaystyle x_p(t) = \frac{B \cos(\omega t - \phi)}{\abs{p(i\omega)}}}\), where \(\phi = \operatorname{Arg}(p(i\omega))\)

If the system is stable, then all solutions are asymptotic to the period function \(x_p(t)\)

The amplitude response is \({\displaystyle g(\omega) = \frac{1}{\abs{p(i\omega)}}}\), so comparing with its transfer function

\({\displaystyle g(\omega) = \abs{W(i\omega)}}\)

This relationship holds for all stable LTI systems

35 At approximately what frequency will the system have the biggest response?

35.1 Front

At approximately what frequency will the system have the biggest response?

This is the pole diagram of a stable LTI system

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Let \(W(s)\) be the transfer function, which amplitude response if \({\displaystyle g(\omega) = \abs{W(i\omega)}}\)

Since \(i\omega\) is on the positive imaginary axis, the amplitude response \(g(\omega)\) will be the largest point at the \(i\omega\) on the imaginary axis where \(\abs{W(i\omega)}\) is largest.

Thus, we choose \(i\omega \approx 3i\), i.e. the practical resonant frequency is approximately \(\omega = 3\)

You can see better in 3D

The yellow amplitude curve runs along-side the “mountains” that rise up near the poles. As \(i\omega\) gets close to a pole, the amplitude curve moves up the side of the mountain.

36 Which system decays faster?

36.1 Front

Which system decays faster?

Order the system which decays in terms of velocity. And say which one has no oscillation

36.2 Back

We need to compare the rightmost pole are most on the left

  • \(e^{-3t}\)
  • \(e^{-2t}\)
  • \(e^{-t}\)
  • \(e^{-0.5t}\)

No oscillation is b

37 Consider this \(f(t)\) which values of \(\omega\) creates the biggest response?

37.1 Front

Consider this $f(t)$ which values of $\omega$ creates the biggest response?

\(p(D) y = f(t)\), where \(f(t)=f_0 \cos(\omega t)\)

37.2 Back

Amplitude response is \({\displaystyle \frac{1}{\abs{p(i\omega)}}}\)

The amplitude is biggest when the polynomial \(p(s)\) is close to \(0\). So need to close the value for \(i\omega\) close to pole in the imaginary axis.

In this case \(i\omega = i4\), that is close to the pole which generate a big amplitude response.

Amplitude response is a function on terms of \(i\omega\) (along imaginary axis), over a surface described by the transfer function.

38 Find the pole diagram of \(F(s)\)

38.1 Front

Find the pole diagram of $F(s)$

\({\displaystyle f(t) = \cos(2t) + e^{-t} \sin(t)}\)

38.2 Back

\({\displaystyle \mathcal{L}(s) = \frac{s}{s^2 + 4} + \frac{1}{(s+1)^1 + 1}}\)

This has poles when \(s^2 + 4 = 0\), so at \(s = \pm 2i\), and when \((s+1)^2 + 1 = 0\), so also at \(s = -1 \pm i\)

39 From this pole diagram, describe all function \(f(t)\) whose Laplace transform have given poles?

39.1 Front

From this pole diagram, describe all function $f(t)$ whose Laplace transform have given poles?

Poles: \({1, i, -i}\)

39.2 Back

For large \(t\), these functions have exponential growth rate \(e^t\). This means that for any \(a \lt 1 \lt c\), \(e^{at} \lt \abs{f(t)} \lt e^{ct}\) for large \(t\)

They also show a small oscillation of approximately constant amplitude and circular frequency \(1\)

\(f(t) = ae^t + b \sin(t)\) where \(a,b \neq 0\) with \({\displaystyle F(s) = \frac{a}{s-1} + \frac{b}{s^2 + 1}}\)

40 From this pole diagram, describe all function \(f(t)\) whose Laplace transform have given poles?

40.1 Front

From this pole diagram, describe all function $f(t)$ whose Laplace transform have given poles?

Poles: \(-1 + 4i, -1 - 4i\)

40.2 Back

For large \(t\), these functions show exponential decay like \(e^{-t}\), and oscillate with circular frequency \(4\)

\({\displaystyle f(t) = ae^{-t} \sin(4t)}\), where \(a \neq 0\) with \({\displaystyle F(s) = \frac{4a}{(s+1)^2 + 16}}\)

41 From this pole diagram, describe all function \(f(t)\) whose Laplace transform have given poles?

41.1 Front

From this pole diagram, describe all function $f(t)$ whose Laplace transform have given poles?

Poles: No have poles on the diagram

41.2 Back

For large \(t\), these functions decays to zero faster than any exponential

\(f(t) = a \delta(t-b)\) where \(a \neq 0\) and \(b \geq 0\) with \({\displaystyle F(s) = ae^{-bt}}\), or \(f(t) = a(u(t) - u(t-b))\), where \(a \neq 0, b \gt 0\) with \({\displaystyle F(s) = a \frac{1 - e^{-bs}}{s}}\)