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Transfer (System) and Weight Functions, Green’s Formula | Unit III: Fourier Series and Laplace Transform | Differential Equations | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare

1 What is the transfer function for any LTI?

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What is the transfer function for any LTI?

In terms of unit impulse response

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\({\displaystyle W(s) = \mathcal{L}(w(t))}\)

where \(w(t)\) is the unit impulse response

2 What is the system function?

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What is the system function?


2.2 Back

It’s called transfer function for any LTI

3 What is the transfer function for this system?

3.1 Front

What is the transfer function for this system?

\({\displaystyle p(D)x = f(t)}\), let \(p(D)\)

3.2 Back

\({\displaystyle W(s) = \frac{1}{p(s)}}\)

4 Show the transfer function as the ratio of output to input

4.1 Front

Show the transfer function as the ratio of output to input

\({\displaystyle p(D) x = f(t)}\) with rest IC

4.2 Back

Taking Laplace transform of both sides gives

\({\displaystyle p(s)X(s) = F(s) \implies X(s) = \frac{1}{p(s)} F(s) = W(s) F(s)}\)

Solving \(W(s)\) shows \({\displaystyle W(s) = \frac{X(s)}{F(s)} = \frac{\text{output}}{\text{input}}}\)

5 Find \(p(D)\) so that \(W(s)\) is the transfer function for the system \(p(D)x = f(t)\)

5.1 Front

Find $p(D)$ so that $W(s)$ is the transfer function for the system $p(D)x = f(t)$

\({\displaystyle W(s) = \frac{s}{s^2 + 1}}\)

5.2 Back

The system \(p(D)x = f(t)\) has transfer function \(\frac{1}{p(s)}\). Since \(W(t)\) is not one over a polynomial there is no such polynomial.

Note that \(W(s)\) is the transfer function for the system \(\ddot{x} + x = \dot{y}\), where we consider \(y\) to be the input

6 What is the transfer function for this LC circuit?

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What is the transfer function for this LC circuit?

\({\displaystyle i’’(t) + 4i = v’(t)}\), where \(i\) is the current and \(v\) the voltage

Solve it with 2 methods

6.2 Back

Method 1: We know that the characterization of the transfer function as the ratio output/input is \(W(s) = I(s)/V(s)\)

Assuming rest IC, we have \(\mathcal{L}(v’) = sV(s)\), so applying the Laplace transform

\({\displaystyle (s^2 + 4) I(s) = sV(s) \implies W(s) = \frac{I(s)}{V(s)} = \frac{s}{s^2 + 4}}\)

We can not write with the form of \(1/p(s)\)

Method 2: We can deduce the \(\mathcal{L}(\delta’(t)) = s \mathcal{L}(\delta(t)) - \delta(0^-) = s\), and solve as usual

7 What is the Laplace transform of this expression?

7.1 Front

What is the Laplace transform of this expression?

\({\displaystyle \mathcal{L}(\delta’(t))}\)

7.2 Back

\({\displaystyle s \mathcal{L}(\delta(t)) - \delta(0^-) = s}\)

8 What is the Green’s Formula in Frequency?

8.1 Front

What is the Green’s Formula in Frequency?

8.2 Back

Let \(p(D)x = f(t)\), with rest IC be the system. Applying Laplace transform for both sides we get

\({\displaystyle p(s)X(s) = F(s) \implies X(s) = \frac{1}{p(s)} F(s) = W(s)F(s)}\)

where \(W(s)\) is the transfer function

9 How can we write convolution of 2 function as a multiplication?

9.1 Front

How can we write convolution of 2 function as a multiplication?

\(w * f\)

9.2 Back

Applying Laplace transform

\({\displaystyle \mathcal{L}(f * g) = W(s)F(s)}\)

Convolution is a type of multiplication, because viewed from the frequency side it is multiplication

10 Show that this equation is true

10.1 Front

Show that this equation is true

\({\displaystyle \mathcal{L}(f * g) = F(s)G(s)}\)

10.2 Back

\begin{align*} \mathcal{L}(f * g) &= \int_0^{\infty} (f * g)e^{-st} \dd{t} \\\ &= \int_0^{\infty} \int_0^t f(t - u)g(u) e^{-st} \dd{u} \dd{t} \\\ &= \int_0^{\infty} \int_u^{\infty} f(t - u)g(u) e^{-st} \dd{t} \dd{u} \qq{Changing order of integration} \\\ &= \int_0^{\infty} \int_0^{\infty} f(v) g(u)e^{-s(v+u)} \dd{v} \dd{u} \qq{Substituting} v=t-u, \dd{v} = \dd{t} \\\ &= \int_0^{\infty} f(v)e^{-sv} \dd{v} \int_0^{\infty} g(u) e^{-su} \dd{u}\\\ &= F(s)G(s) \end{align*}

11 What is the Laplace of this expression?

11.1 Front

What is the Laplace of this expression?

\({\displaystyle \mathcal{L}\biggl(\int_{0^-}^{t^+} f(\tau) \dd{t} \biggr)}\)

11.2 Back

\({\displaystyle \mathcal{L}\biggl(\int_{0^-}^{t^+} f(\tau) \dd{t} \biggr) = \mathcal{L}(f * 1) = F(s) \mathcal{L}1 = \frac{F(s)}{s}}\)

12 What does mean this diagram?

12.1 Front

What does mean this diagram?

12.2 Back

\(\text{input } F(s) \leadsto \text{ output } X(s) = W(s)F(s)\)

13 What is a cascaded system?

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What is a cascaded system?

13.2 Back

There are 2 system where the output of the first, it’ll be the input of the second system

\(p_1(D)x = f\), \(p_2(D)y = x\), with rest IC

The input to the cascade is \(f\) and the output is \(y\)

14 What is the solution of this system?

14.1 Front

What is the solution of this system?

\(p_1(D)x = f\), \(p_2(D)y = x\), with rest IC

14.2 Back

Let \({\displaystyle W_1(s) = \frac{1}{p_1(s)}}\) and \({\displaystyle W_2(s) = \frac{1}{p_2(s)}}\) be the transfer function for the two differential equations

\({\displaystyle X(s) = W_1(s)F(s) \qq{and} Y(s) = W_2(s)X(s)}\), so \({\displaystyle Y(s) = W_2(s)W_1(s)F(s)}\)

The transfer function for the cascade is

\({\displaystyle \text{output / input } = Y(s)/F(s) = W_2(s) W_1(s)}\)

15 Represent with a diagram this cascade system

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Represent with a diagram this cascade system

\(p_1(D)x = f\), \(p_2(D)y = x\), with rest IC

15.2 Back

16 What is the solution for this system diagram?

16.1 Front

What is the solution for this system diagram?

Explain the diagram too

16.2 Back

This is a parallel system. The plus sign in the circle indicates the 2 signals coming into the junction should be added. The split near the start indicates the input \(F(s)\) go into each system

\({\displaystyle X_1(s) = W_1(s) F(s)}\), \({\displaystyle X_2(s) = W_2(s) F(s)}\), \({\displaystyle Y = X_1 + X_2}\)

So the solution

\({\displaystyle Y(s) = W_1 F + W_2 F = (W_1 + W_2) F}\)

The transfer function of the system is \(W_1 + W_2\)

17 How could we create a feedback loop for this system?

17.1 Front

How could we create a feedback loop for this system?

Name both systems

17.2 Back

The original system is known as the open loop system and the corresponding system with feedback is known as the closed loop system

18 What does mean the symbol \(\cross g\) in this system diagram?

18.1 Front

What does mean the symbol $\cross g$ in this system diagram?

18.2 Back

The symbol \(\cross g\) means the input is scaled by \(g\), that is apply a gain of \(g\) to the input.

19 What does mean the symbol \(\sum\) in this system diagram?

19.1 Front

What does mean the symbol $\sum$ in this system diagram?

19.2 Back

The symbol \(\sum\) means the two inputs are combined; the plus and minus signs indicate to add or subtract the corresponding input

20 What is the transfer function for this system?

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What is the transfer function for this system?

20.2 Back

\({\displaystyle V = F - gY}\), \({\displaystyle Y = M \cdot V}\)

That implies

\({\displaystyle Y = W (F - gY) = \frac{W}{1 + gW} \cdot F}\)

So, the transfer function is the ratio output/input

\({\displaystyle \frac{Y}{F} = \frac{W}{1 + gW}}\)

This formula is one case of what is often called Black’s formula

21 What is the partial fraction of this rational function?

21.1 Front

What is the partial fraction of this rational function?

\({\displaystyle \frac{1}{s^4 - 1}}\)

21.2 Back

\({\displaystyle \frac{1}{(s^2 + 1)(s - 1)(s + 1)} = - \frac{1}{2(s^2 + 1)} - \frac{1}{4(s+1)} + \frac{1}{4(s - 1)}}\)