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[2019-09-27 Fri 19:04]
First Order Constant Coefficient Linear ODE’s | Unit I: First Order Differential Equations | Differential Equations | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare

1 What is a constant coefficient First ODE?

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What is a constant coefficient First ODE?

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\(\dot{y} + ky = q(t)\), where \(k\) is a constant

2 What is the solution of a constant coefficient First ODE?

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What is the solution of a constant coefficient First ODE?

\(\dot{y} + ky = q(t)\), where \(k\) is a constant

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\({\displaystyle y(t) = e^{-kt} \biggl( \int e^{kt} q(t) \dd{t} + c \biggr) = e^{-kt} \int e^{kt} q(t) \dd{t} + ce^{-kt}}\)

The general solution is \(y(t) = y_p(t) + cy_h(t)\)

3 What is the particular solution of a constant coefficient first ODE?

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What is the particular solution of a constant coefficient first ODE?

\(\dot{y} + ky = q(t)\), where \(k\) is a constant

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\(y_p(t) = e^{-kt} \int e^{kt} q(t) \dd{t}\)

4 What is the homogeneous solution of a constant coefficient first ODE?

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What is the homogeneous solution of a constant coefficient first ODE?

\(\dot{y} + ky = q(t)\), where \(k\) is a constant

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\(y_h(t) = ce^{-kt}\)

5 Explain what happens when \(k>0\) in a constant coefficient first ODE?

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Explain what happens when \(k>0\) in a constant coefficient first ODE?

\(\dot{y} + ky = q(t)\), where \(k\) is a constant

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It models exponential decay, when the input is \(0\) the system response is \(y(t) = ce^{-kt}\), which decays exponentially to \(0\) as \(t \to \infty\)

In the general solution, the term \(ce^{-kt}\) is called transient because it goes to \(0\). And the term \({\displaystyle e^{-kt} \int e^{kt}q(t) \dd{t}}\) is called the steady-state or long term solution.

The value of \(c\) is determined by the initial value of \(y(0)\). The initial value only affects the transient term and not the long-term behaviour. So, every solution goes asymptotically to the steady-state as \(t \to \infty\)

6 Draw a graph with the solutions of a constant coefficient first ODE?

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Draw a graph with the solutions of a constant coefficient first ODE?

\(\dot{y} + ky = q(t)\), where \(k>0\) is a constant

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