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- First Order Linear ODE’s | Unit I: First Order Differential Equations | Differential Equations | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare
1 What is a first order linear ODE?
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What is a first order linear ODE?
Write the standard form
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In the unknown function \(x = x(t)\)
\({\displaystyle A(t) \dv{x}{t} + B(t) x(t) = C(t)}\)
As \(A(t) \neq 0\), we can simplify the equation by dividing by \(A(t)\)
Standard form: \({\displaystyle \dv{x}{t} + p(t)x(t) = q(t)}\)
2 When can we say that a first order linear ODE is homogeneous?
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When can we say that a first order linear ODE is homogeneous?
Using the standard form
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\(\dv{x}{t} + p(t) x(t) = 0\)
In any other case is inhomogeneous
3 Why I need to use the standard form for first order linear ODE?
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Why I need to use the standard form for first order linear ODE?
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Because you can get completely wrong solutions. Some function with wrong signal can produce completely different results.
4 Which of the following are linear ODE’s?
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Which of the following are linear ODE’s?
- \(\dot{x} + x^2 = t\)
- \(\dot{x} = (t^2 + 1)(x-1)\)
- \(\dot{x} + x = t^2\)
4.2 Back
Only the 2 and 3 equations are linear
5 Describe this linear ODE in terms of System and Signals?
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Describe this linear ODE in terms of System and Signals?
\(\dot{x} - rx = q(t)\)
Is the model of a bank account
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- System: left-hand side of the equation, the bank
- Input signal / input: right-hand side, it’s the outside influence on
the system
- Signal is a function of \(t\)
- Output signal / System response: it’s how the system responds to the
input signal and yields the function \(x(t)\)
- Is the solution \(x(t)\)
These are not mathematical terms
6 Draw the block diagram for these linear ODE?
6.1 Front
Draw the block diagram for these linear ODE?
\(\dot{x} - rx = q(t)\)
Is the model of a bank account
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7 What is the superposition principle for linear ODEs?
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What is the superposition principle for linear ODEs?
Consider the linear ODE \(\dot{y} + p(t) y = q(t)\)
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For any given input \(q(t)\) that has output \(y(t)\), \(q \leadsto y\) (read input \(q\) leads to output \(y\))
Let \(q_1\) and \(q_2\) be input signals, and \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) be constant, so we can say that \(c_1 q_1(t) + c_2q_2(t)\) is a superposition of \(q_1\) and \(q_2\).
It’s also called linear combination of \(q_1\) and \(q_2\)
If \(q_1 \leadsto y_1\) and \(q_2 \leadsto y_2\) then \(c_1 q_1 + c_2 q_2 \leadsto c_1 y_1 + c_2 y_2\)
8 Why is valid the superposition principle?
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Why is valid the superposition principle?
equation: \(\dot{y} + p(t)y = q(t)\)
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If \(q_1 \leadsto y_1\) and \(q_2 \leadsto y_2\) then \(c_1 q_1 + c_2 q_2 \leadsto c_1 y_1 + c_2 y_2\)
It’s valid because the ODE is linear.
\({\displaystyle \dv{t} (c_1 y_1 + c_2 y_2) + p(c_1 y_1 + c_2 y_2) = c_1 (\dot{y_1} + p y_1) + c_2 (\dot{y_2} + p y_2) = c_1 q_1 + c_2 q_2}\)
9 Find lots of solution to…
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Find lots of solution to…
\(\dot{x} + 2x = 1 + e^{-2t}\)
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Write the input as \(1 + e^{-2t} = 1 + e^{-2t} + c \cdot 0\)
Using the superposition principle, \(x(t) = 1 \cdot \frac{1}{2} + c \cdot e^{-2t}\), where any value of the parameter \(c\) is a solution
10 Is this equation a linear ODE?
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Is this equation a linear ODE?
\(\frac{\dot{y}}{y} = t^2\)
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Yes, it’s, you can multiple both sides by \(y\)
\(\dot{y} - t^2 y = 0\)
11 How can we show that for this nonlinear ODE we cannot use superposition principle?
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How can we show that for this nonlinear ODE we cannot use superposition principle?
\(\dot{y} + y^2 = q(t)\)
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First, we’ll get 2 equation and them use the superposition principle to get an a contradiction.
- \(\dot{y_1} + y_1^2 = 1\)
- \(\dot{y_2} + y_2^2 = t\)
Using the superposition principle, \(y = y_1 + y_2\), so we need to proof that \(\dot{y} + y^2 = 1 + t\)
\({\displaystyle \dv{t} (y_1 + y_2) + (y_1 + y_2)^2 = \dot{y_1} + \dot{y_2} + y_1^2 + y_2^2 + 2 y_1 y_2 = (1 + t) + 2 y_1 y_{2} \neq (1 + t)}\)
Hence, we get a contradiction