Captured On [2020-02-06 Thu 17:43] Source Session 92: Proof of Stokes’ Theorem | Part C: Line Integrals and Stokes’ Theorem | 4. Triple Integrals and Surface Integrals in 3-Space | Multivariable Calculus | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare 1 Chalkboard Figure 1: Why Stokes is true?
Figure 2: Strategy for proofing Stokes’ Theorem
2 Why Stokes is true? 2.1 Front Why Stokes is true?
2.2 Back Know it for \(C\), \(S\) in \(xy\text{-plane}\) (Green’s Theorem) also for \(C\), \(S\) in any plane using that work, flux, curl make sense independently of the coordinate system Strategy of proofing Given any \(S\): decompose it into tiny, almost flat pieces Sum of work around each piece = work along \(C\) Similar to Green’s Theorem Sum of flux through each piece = flux through \(S\)