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[2020-02-06 Thu 17:08]
Session 79: Vector Fields in Space | Part B: Flux and the Divergence Theorem | 4. Triple Integrals and Surface Integrals in 3-Space | Multivariable Calculus | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare

1 Chalkboard

Figure 1: Vector fields in space

Figure 1: Vector fields in space

Figure 2: Force fields

Figure 2: Force fields

Figure 3: Graviational field equation and more examples

Figure 3: Graviational field equation and more examples

Figure 4: Velocity and gradient fields

Figure 4: Velocity and gradient fields

2 What is a force field in 3-space?

2.1 Front

What is a force field in 3-space?

For example, gravitational, electrostatic, electromagnetic, …

2.2 Back

At the point \((x_0, y_0, z_0)\) we place the vector having the direction and magnitude of the force which the field would exert on an unit test particle placed at the point

3 What is a flow field in 3-space?

3.1 Front

What is a flow field in 3-space?

Assume the motion is steady-state

3.2 Back

We allow sources and sinks, but in 3-space you can’t add from four-dimensional. We could think of thin pipes inserted into the domain at various points adding and removing fluid.

\(\vb{F} = \delta \vb{v}\), where \(\delta(x,y,z)\) is the density of the fluid, and \(\vb{v}\) is the velocity fields.

The velocity field \(\vb{v}\) gives the direction and magnitude (speed) of the flow at any point \((x,y,z)\)

  • dir \(\vb{F}\) is the direction of flow
  • \(\abs{F}\) is the mass transport rate (per unit area) at \((x,y,z)\) in the flow direction. Rate per unit area at which mass is transported across a small piece of plane perpendicular to the flow at the point \((x,y,z)\)

4 Find velocity field of a fluid rotating with constant angular velocity \(w\)

4.1 Front

Find velocity field of a fluid rotating with constant angular velocity $w$

Around \(z\text{-axis}\), in the direction given by the right-hand rule, when thumb points in the \(\vu{k}\) direction

4.2 Back

  • Flow doesn’t depend on \(z\)
  • \(\abs{\vb{v}} = wr\)

\(\vb{F}(x,y,z) = \vb{v} = w (-y \vu{i} + x \vu{j})\)

5 Find velocity field of a fluid rotating with constant angular velocity \(w\)

5.1 Front

Find velocity field of a fluid rotating with constant angular velocity $w$

Around \(y\text{-axis}\), in the direction given by the right-hand rule, when thumb points in the \(\vu{j}\) direction

5.2 Back

  • Flow doesn’t depend on \(y\)
  • \(\abs{\vb{v}} = wr\)
  • The flow in the \(xz\text{-plane}\) is clockwise, when positive \(x\) and \(z\) axes are drawn so as to give a right-handed system

\(\vb{F}(x,y,z) = \vb{v} = w (z \vu{i} - x \vu{k})\)

6 Find the 3-dimensional flow field of a gas streaming radially outward

6.1 Front

Find the 3-dimensional flow field of a gas streaming radially outward

with constant velocity from a source at the origin of constant strength

6.2 Back

  • The area of the sphere increases like the square of it’s radius
  • Constant velocity, the density of flow must decrease like \(1/\rho^{2}\) as you go out from origin

\(\vb{F}(x,y,z) = \delta \vb{v} = \frac{c_1}{\rho^2} \frac{c_2 (x \vu{i} + y \vu{j} + z \vu{k})}{\rho} = \frac{c (x \vu{i} + y \vu{j} + z \vu{k})}{\rho^3}\)

In the 2-dimensional case, the field magnitude decrease like \(1/r\) as you go out from origin

7 If \(\vb{F}\) is a flow field where the density is constant

7.1 Front

If $\vb{F}$ is a flow field where the density is constant

How the flow speed change, in 2 and 3 dimensions

The source at the origin of constant strength

7.2 Back

Is the flow density is constant, the fluid is incompressible so the flow speed must decrease

  • \(c/r\) in 2 dimension
  • \(c/\rho^2\) in 3 dimension

as you go out from the origin

8 If \(\vb{F}\) is a flow field where the flow speed is constant

8.1 Front

If $\vb{F}$ is a flow field where the flow speed is constant

how must change density in 2 and 3 dimension

The source at the origin of constant strength

8.2 Back

If the flow speed stays constant and the fluid is compressible like a gas, the density must decrease

  • \(c/r\) in 2 dimensions
  • \(c/\rho^2\) in 3 dimensions

as you go out from the origin