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[2020-02-06 Thu 13:34]
Session 64: Curl | Part B: Vector Fields and Line Integrals | 3. Double Integrals and Line Integrals in the Plane | Multivariable Calculus | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare

1 Chalkboard

Figure 1: Recall \(\vb{F}\) using curl

Figure 1: Recall \(\vb{F}\) using curl

Figure 2: Definition of curl

Figure 2: Definition of curl

Figure 3: Curl for velocity field

Figure 3: Curl for velocity field

Figure 4: Examples of curl

Figure 4: Examples of curl

Figure 5: What measure the curl

Figure 5: What measure the curl

Figure 6: Physics derivative measures

Figure 6: Physics derivative measures

2 What measures the curl in a velocity field?

2.1 Front

What measures the curl in a velocity field?

2.2 Back

Curl measures (2x) angular velocity of rotational component of a velocity field

3 What measure the curl in a force field?

3.1 Front

What measure the curl in a force field?

3.2 Back

Torque exerted on a test object on each point

4 How can we parametrize the circular movement with constant angular velocity \(\omega\)

4.1 Front

How can we parametrize the circular movement with constant angular velocity \(\omega\)

No radial velocity (position vector of a circle)

4.2 Back

How can we parametrize the circular movement with constant angular velocity \(\omega\)

  • \(r = r_0\)
  • \(\theta = \theta_0 + \omega t\)

In polar coordinates: \((x(t), y(t)) = (r_0 \cos (\theta_0 + \omega t), r_0 \sin(\theta_0 + \omega t))\)