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[2020-02-05 Wed 22:39]
Session 24: Functions of Two Variables: Graphs | Part A: Functions of Two Variables, Tangent Approximation and Optimization | 2. Partial Derivatives | Multivariable Calculus | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare

1 Chalkboard

Figure 1: Function of 1 variable

Figure 1: Function of 1 variable

Figure 2: Example of multivariable functions

Figure 2: Example of multivariable functions

Figure 3: For simplicity, functions based on 2 or 3 variables

Figure 3: For simplicity, functions based on 2 or 3 variables

Figure 4: Visualize a function of 2 variables

Figure 4: Visualize a function of 2 variables

Figure 5: Example of a graph of a two variables function

Figure 5: Example of a graph of a two variables function

Figure 6: When the graph hit the plane \(xy\text{-plane}\)

Figure 6: When the graph hit the plane \(xy\text{-plane}\)

2 What is a dependent and independent variables in a function?

2.1 Front

What is a dependent and independent variables in a function?

\(z = f(x,y)\)

2.2 Back

\(x,y\) are independent variables and \(z\) is a dependent variable. \(x,y\) variables can take any value and \(z\) depends on these values.

Be careful with domain definition of the function

3 How many dimensions do you need to graph a 2 variable function?

3.1 Front

How many dimensions do you need to graph a 2 variable function?

3.2 Back

We need 3 dimensions, 2 independent and 1 depends

\(z = f(x,y)\)

4 How to graph a 2 variables functions?

4.1 Front

How to graph a 2 variables functions?

4.2 Back

  1. Draw the axes, usually you can draw with the eye somewhere in the first octant
  2. Set \(x=a\) constant, usually \(x=0\), and draw the \(yz\text{-plane}\), at least 3 planes
  3. Set \(y=a\) constant, usually \(y=0\), and draw the \(xz\text{-plane}\) at least 3 planes
  4. Maybe you need more traces at several planes. You should expect to do a certain amount of trial and error.