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[2020-02-05 Wed 21:21]
Session 13: Linear Systems and Planes | Part B: Matrices and Systems of Equations | 1. Vectors and Matrices | Multivariable Calculus | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare

1 Chalkboard

Figure 1: 3x3 Linear System

Figure 1: 3x3 Linear System

Figure 2: Possible solutions to linear systems (2)

Figure 2: Possible solutions to linear systems (2)

2 How many solutions we can get from a linear system?

2.1 Front

How many solutions we can get from a linear system?

And why

For lines and \(3 \times 3\) linear systems

2.2 Back

  • Lines
    • 2 lines intersect in a point (One solution)
    • 2 lines are parallel (no solutions)
    • 2 lines are the same (\(\infty\) solutions)
  • 3x3 systems
    1. 3 planes intersect in a point (one solution)
    2. 3 planes intersect in a line (\(\infty\) solutions)
      • 3 different planes, the 3rd plane contains the line of intersection
      • 2 planes are the same, the 3rd plane intersect them in a line
    3. Intersect in a plane
      • All three planes are the same
    4. The planes don’t all intersect at any point (no solutions)
      • Different planes but parallel
      • 2 parallel plane, the 3rd crosses them
      • The planes are different and none are parallel, but the lines of intersection of each pair are parallel
      • 2 planes are the same and 3rd is parallel

3 Write a linear system with no solution and where all planes are parallel

3.1 Front

Write a linear system with no solution and where all planes are parallel

3.2 Back

  • Normal vectors are parallel

4 Write a linear system where the planes are all different and all intersect in a line

4.1 Front

Write a linear system where the planes are all different and all intersect in a line

4.2 Back

This is a little trickier. We’ll use a lot of zeros to help. The following system intersects in the \(z\text{-axis}\)

5 What is a homogeneous linear system?

5.1 Front

What is a homogeneous linear system?

Linear system: \(A\vb{x} = \vb{b}\)

5.2 Back

When \(\vb{b} = 0\), otherwise it’s called inhomogeneous