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[2020-02-05 Wed 19:52]
Session 8: Equations of Planes | Part A: Vectors, Determinants and Planes | 1. Vectors and Matrices | Multivariable Calculus | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare

1 Chalkboard

Figure 1: Equation of plane

Figure 1: Equation of plane

Figure 2: Another solution equation of plane

Figure 2: Another solution equation of plane

2 How can we find the equation of the plane containing 3 points?

2.1 Front

How can we find the equation of the plane containing 3 points?

Points: \(P_1, P_2, P_3\)

2.2 Back

  • Vector \(\vb{P_1P_2}\) and \(\vb{P_1P_3}\)
  • \(\vb{N} = \vb{P_1P_2} \cross \vb{P_1P_3}\)
  • \(\vb{N}\) is perpendicular to the plane
    • \(\vb{N}\) is normal to the plane
  • Vector to any other point in the plane
    • \(\vb{P_1P} = \ev{x - a_1, y - a_2, z - a_3}\)
  • \(\vb{N} \cdot \vb{P_1P} = 0\)