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[2020-02-05 Wed 19:50]
Session 7: Cross Products | Part A: Vectors, Determinants and Planes | 1. Vectors and Matrices | Multivariable Calculus | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare

1 Chalkboard

Figure 1: Cross product of 2 vectors in 3-space

Figure 1: Cross product of 2 vectors in 3-space

Figure 2: Area of parallelogram with cross product

Figure 2: Area of parallelogram with cross product

Figure 3: Right hand method for direction of cross product

Figure 3: Right hand method for direction of cross product

Figure 4: Another look at volume

Figure 4: Another look at volume

Figure 5: Volume of parallelopiped

Figure 5: Volume of parallelopiped

Figure 6: Review of cross product

Figure 6: Review of cross product

Figure 7: Inverse direction of cross product

Figure 7: Inverse direction of cross product

2 Can we use the commutivity law with cross product?

2.1 Front

Can we use the commutivity law with cross product?

\(\vb{A} \cross \vb{B} = \vb{B} \cross \vb{A}\)

2.2 Back

Not it’s not equivalent, but we can say that \(\vb{A} \cross \vb{B} = - \vb{B} \cross \vb{A}\)

3 What we can say of \(\vb{a} \cross \vb{a}\)

3.1 Front

What we can say of $\vb{a} \cross \vb{a}$

3.2 Back

  • \(\vb{a} \cross \vb{a} = 0\)
  • There is no area between the same vector

4 Can we apply distributive law to cross product?

4.1 Front

Can we apply distributive law to cross product?

\(\vb{A} \cross (\vb{B} + \vb{C}) = \vb{A} \cross \vb{B} + \vb{A} \cross \vb{B}\)

4.2 Back


5 Can we use associativity law to cross product?

5.1 Front

Can we use associativity law to cross product?

\((\vb{A} \cross \vb{B}) \cross \vb{C} = \vb{A} \cross (\vb{B} \cross \vb{C})\)

5.2 Back

No, you can test with unit vectors \(\hat{i}, \hat{j}, \hat{k}\)