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[2020-02-05 Wed 19:49]
Session 6: Volumes and Determinants in Space | Part A: Vectors, Determinants and Planes | 1. Vectors and Matrices | Multivariable Calculus | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare

1 Chalkboard

Figure 1: Determinant in space

Figure 1: Determinant in space

Figure 2: Volume of parallelepiped

Figure 2: Volume of parallelepiped

2 What is the volume between 3 vectors?

2.1 Front

What is the volume between 3 vectors?

2.2 Back

  • With determinants
    • \(\abs{\det(\vb{A}, \vb{B}, \vb{C})}\)
  • With cross product
    • Volume = area(base) height
    • \(V = \abs{\vb{A} \cross \vb{B}} (\vb{C} \cdot \hat{n})\)
    • \({\displaystyle \hat{n} = \frac{\vb{A} \cross \vb{B}}{\abs{\vb{A} \cross \vb{B}}}}\)
    • \({\displaystyle V = \abs{\vb{A} \cross \vb{B}} (\vb{C} \cdot \frac{\vb{A} \cross \vb{B}}{\abs{\vb{A} \cross \vb{B}}}) = \vb{C} \cdot (\vb{A} \cross \vb{B})}\)

3 What happens if \(\vb{a} \cross \vb{b} = 0\)?

3.1 Front

What happens if $\vb{a} \cross \vb{b} = 0$?

3.2 Back

We can say that this 2 vector are parallel

4 How we can compute cross product and why?

4.1 Front

How we can compute cross product and why?

4.2 Back

  • Compare geometrically the volume of 3 vectors
    • \(\det(\vb{A}, \vb{B}, \vb{C}) = \vb{A} \cdot (\vb{B} \cross \vb{C})\)
  • \({\displaystyle \vb{A} \cross \vb{B} = \begin{vmatrix} \hat{i} & \hat{j} & \hat{k}\ a_1 & a_2 & a_3 \ b_1 & b_2 & b_3 \end{vmatrix}}\)
  • \(\abs{\vb{A} \cross \vb{B} = \abs{\vb{A}} \abs{\vb{B}} \sin \theta}\)

The result is a vector

5 Which is the direction of the vector from cross product?

5.1 Front

Which is the direction of the vector from cross product?

5.2 Back

  • Result is orthogonal to the plane of the 2 vectors
  • Need to use right hand method
  • Extend the right hand along 1st vectors
  • Move your finger to the other vector
  • Your thumb will point to the direction of resulting vector

6 What can we say if \(\abs{\det(\vb{A}, \vb{B}, \vb{C})}=0\)?

6.1 Front

What can we say if $\abs{\det(\vb{A}, \vb{B}, \vb{C})}=0$?

6.2 Back

The volume of this parallelepiped with these vectors as edges is \(0\). This means all three origin vectors lie in a plane.

7 What does means \(\abs{\vb{v}}^{2}\)

7.1 Front

What does means $\abs{\vb{v}}^{2}$

Where \(\vb{v}\) is a vector

7.2 Back

\(\abs{\vb{v}}^{2} = \vb{v} \cdot \vb{v}\)

8 Determinant - ij-cofactor

8.1 Front

Determinant - ij-cofactor

What is a ij-cofactor

8.2 Back

\(A_{ij} = (-1)^{i+j}|A_{ij}|\)

9 Determinant - ij-entry

9.1 Front

Determinant - ij-entry

What is the ij-entry?

9.2 Back

\(a_{ij}\) is the number in the i-th row and j-th column

10 Determinant - ij-minor

10.1 Front

Determinant - ij-minor

What is the ij-minor?

10.2 Back

\(|A_{ij}|\) is the determinant that’s left after deleting from \(|A|\) the row and column containing \(a_{ij}\)

11 What is the method of determinant computation?

11.1 Front

What is the method of determinant computation?

11.2 Back

  • It’s called the Laplace expansion by cofactors

12 How compute a determinant through the Laplace expansion?

12.1 Front

How compute a determinant through the Laplace expansion?

Explain how compute a determinant using laplace expansion by cofactors

12.2 Back

  • Choose a row or a column
  • Multiply each entry \(a_{ij}\) in that row (or column) by its cofactor \(A_{ij}\)
  • Add all resulting numbers


  • 1st rows of 3x3 determinant
    • \(a_{11}A_{11} + a_{12}A_{12} + a_{13}A_{13}\)
  • j-th column of 3x3 determinant
    • \(a_{1j}A_{1j} + a_{2j}A_{2j}+a_{3j}A_{3j}\)

13 What does mean \(A_{12}\)?

13.1 Front

What does mean $A_{12}$?

13.2 Back

This is the 12-cofactor of a determinant, which value is \((-1)^{1+2}|A_{12}|\)

\(|A_{12}|\) is the ij-minor is a determinant after removing 1st row and 2nd column

14 What does mean \(\abs{A_{23}}\)

14.1 Front

What does mean $\abs{A_{23}}$

14.2 Back

This is determinant resulting from removing the 2nd row and 3rd column of the matrix \(A\)

15 What does mean \(\abs{A}=0\)?

15.1 Front

What does mean $\abs{A}=0$?

15.2 Back

  • One row or column is all zero
  • If two rows or two columns are the same

If \(A\) is a matrix that represent 3 vectors \(3 \times 3\), it means that these 3 vectors are coplanar. This means also that the volume of this parallepiped is 0

16 What does mean that \(\abs{A}\) is multiplied by \(c\)?

16.1 Front

What does mean that $\abs{A}$ is multiplied by $c$?

16.2 Back

  • Every element of some row or column is multiply by \(c\)

17 How we can change the sign of a determinant?

17.1 Front

How we can change the sign of a determinant?

17.2 Back

  • We interchange two rows or two columns

18 When 2 determinants does have the same value?

18.1 Front

When 2 determinants does have the same value?

18.2 Back

  • If we add to one row (or column) a constant multiple of another row (or column)