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[2020-02-05 Wed 19:47]
Session 5: Area and Determinants in 2D | Part A: Vectors, Determinants and Planes | 1. Vectors and Matrices | Multivariable Calculus | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare

1 Chalkboard

Figure 1: Area within 2 vectors

Figure 1: Area within 2 vectors

Figure 2: Rotated vector \(\vec{A}\)

Figure 2: Rotated vector \(\vec{A}\)

Figure 3: Area as determinant of 2 vectors

Figure 3: Area as determinant of 2 vectors

Figure 4: Area of parallelogram and triangle

Figure 4: Area of parallelogram and triangle

2 What is the area between 2 vectors?

2.1 Front

What is the area between 2 vectors?

2.2 Back

  • Length and determinant
    • \(\vb{A’} = \vb{A}\) rotated \(\SI{90}{\degree}\)
    • \(\theta’ = \pi/2 - \theta\)
    • \(\cos \theta’ = \sin \theta\)
    • Area of parallelogram
      • \(\abs{\vb{A}} \abs{\vb{B}} \sin \theta = \abs{\vb{A’}} \abs{\vb{B}} \cos \theta’ = \vb{A’} \cdot \vb{B} = \ev{-a_2, a_1} \cdot \ev{b_1, b_{2}} = a_1b_2 - a_2b_1 = \det(\vb{A}, \vb{B})\)
      • absolute value of determinant of \(\vb{A}\) and \(\vb{B}\)
    • Area of triangle
      • \({\displaystyle \abs{\frac{1}{2} \det(\vb{A}, \vb{B})}}\)
  • Cross product
    • Area of parallelogram
      • \(\abs{\vb{A} \cross \vb{B}}\)
    • Area of triangle
      • \({\displaystyle \frac{1}{2} \abs{\vb{A}} \cross \abs{\vb{B}}}\)